Dr. Akilah Weber Pierson is a board-certified physician who has worked with thousands of patients in San Diego County. As a medical doctor, she is uniquely positioned to understand the intricacies of the healthcare system and is driven by a deep-rooted desire to advocate for equitable access to healthcare, for everyone, regardless of their background or economic status.
In the State Senate, Dr. Weber Pierson is determined to address healthcare disparities in California by investing in primary care, which is essential for the well-being of millions who lack access to a primary care physician because early intervention through primary care can prevent long-term health issues and reduce overall healthcare costs. Her efforts will also focus on improving healthcare access in underserved areas and promoting equity, ultimately working to alleviate the critical challenges posed by doctor and nursing shortages, while also lowering the costs of prescription drugs to make healthcare more accessible and affordable for all Californians.
The Pharmacist Service Coverage Act (AB 317) removes a significant barrier that previously prevented pharmacists from billing commercial health plans for patient care services. This will help improve access to essential healthcare services and it makes it more convenient for people to get critical preventive services they need. Patients can receive services like vaccinations and tests for conditions such as sexually transmitted infections at their local pharmacy, which is often more convenient than scheduling appointments with a doctor or specialist. This convenience can lead to more people seeking preventive care. This bill can help reduce healthcare disparities by ensuring that healthcare services are available through pharmacies in various communities, regardless of their economic or geographic status.
I pushed for better access to telehealth services for Medi-Cal patients. Now, you can use these services more easily, especially if you live in rural underserved areas. This also means more diverse healthcare providers that will ensure language, gender, and social equity for all Californians. This will make it more convenient for people to receive medical care remotely through technologies like video calls or phone consultations.
I helped change the way we fund healthcare initiatives by broadening the allocation of funds for programs like the Perinatal Equity Initiative, which focuses on improving maternal and child health, particularly in underserved communities. This change ensures that funds are no longer restricted solely to county health departments but can now also be accessed by city health departments. By allowing city health departments to access funding, it increases the reach and effectiveness of programs designed to address healthcare disparities and improve health outcomes. This more localized approach allows for tailored solutions that better address the unique needs of different areas, ultimately improving healthcare access and outcomes for all residents.
The Patient Protection Act (AB 2180) is a bill designed to safeguard the well-being of patients in our community. The bill establishes strict consequences for healthcare professionals who engage in sexual misconduct with their patients. Specifically, it mandates that if a physician or surgeon is found guilty of such misconduct, they will permanently lose their license to practice medicine through the Medical Board of California. This bill ensures that the trust and safety of patients are paramount, and it serves as a powerful deterrent against any unethical behavior within the medical profession ultimately contributing to the well-being and trust of the community in its healthcare system.
The Reproductive Health Care Act (AB 2134) represents a crucial step in ensuring equitable access to reproductive healthcare services for the community. It is designed to eliminate financial obstacles that might prevent individuals from obtaining abortions and birth control in California. This legislation acknowledges that reproductive healthcare is a fundamental right and should not be hindered by financial constraints. This bill not only empowers individuals but also enhances their overall well-being. Furthermore, the bill’s inclusion of a $40 million allocation in the state budget reinforces its commitment to providing the necessary resources for these services, making them even more attainable for those in need.
The Rape Kit Accessibility Act (AB 1138) is a significant legislative effort aimed at improving the care and support provided to victims of domestic violence in our community. This bill streamlines and standardizes the process for domestic violence victims to receive medical examinations after incidents of abuse. It ensures that these examinations follow best practices, incorporating the latest medical standards and guidelines.
The Black Infant Health Perinatal Equity Initiative (AB 17101) will change “county health department” to “local health jurisdiction.” It allows the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to allocate funding for the Perinatal Equity Initiative (PEI) directly to local health jurisdictions, which includes both city and county health departments, rather than limiting the funding to only county health departments. This change benefits residents by expanding access to crucial resources and services aimed at improving Black infant health and promoting equity, ensuring that a wider range of local health entities can engage in this vital initiative.
The Health Care Coverage: Insulin Affordability bill, SB 90, aims to address the issue of insulin affordability in health care coverage. The bill proposes measures to make insulin more accessible and affordable for people with diabetes. It includes provisions to limit the out-of-pocket costs for insulin, ensuring that patients have better access to this essential medication without facing excessive financial burdens.
I authored and helped to passed a resolution in California that designates January 23rd as Maternal Health Awareness Day. The resolution highlights the importance of raising awareness about maternal health issues and the challenges faced by pregnant individuals. By dedicating a specific day to this cause, the resolution aims to promote education, support, and understanding of maternal health concerns, ultimately contributing to improved healthcare outcomes for pregnant individuals and mothers in the state.
Millions of Californians do not have a primary care physician, either because they lack insurance, lack information or access to care, or feel that they do not need one. But the evidence shows that many long-term health problems develop over time, and access to primary care can improve outcomes and prevent dangerous conditions later. Akilah will push for investments in primary care clinics and services to improve public health and reduce long-term costs.
Californians from different socio-economic, racial, and ethnic backgrounds experience extreme differences in healthcare access and quality. These inequities lead to systemic failures, including higher rates of infant mortality, chronic health conditions like diabetes and heart disease, and reduced life expectancy. Akilah will work to improve equity in healthcare and increase healthcare coverage in underserved areas.
Addressing the critical issues of doctor and nursing shortages while simultaneously lowering costs for prescription drugs is imperative for the enhancement of healthcare accessibility and affordability. The scarcity of healthcare professionals, particularly doctors and nurses, has been a longstanding concern that jeopardizes the quality of care and patient outcomes.
Phone: (619) 688-6700
(619) 514-1279 or aweber@www.drakilahweberpierson.com
Dr. Akilah Weber for State Senate 2024 ID #1459901
6353 El Cajon Blvd. Suite 124#121 San Diego CA 92115
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